Optical fiber

Data sheet board

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DCFANOUTKITxxC DC fan out kit MMC Datasheet
DCK724PLCQOM5 Tray equipped with 24 LC pigtails for DC drawers MMC Datasheet
DCK7MTP MTP DC tray to be equipped MMC Datasheet
DCK7MTP06LCQOM5S Slim MTP® tray equipped with 6 LC quad OM5 adapters for DC fiber optic drawers MMC Datasheet
MANCHONEPIxxx150 Splice sleeve MMC Datasheet
UHDPANEL1U144C 1U 19" ultra high density fiber optic drawer up to 144FO MMC Datasheet
INTEX8OM3C Central Loose tube fiber optic glass yarn reinforced cable, LSZH jacket , Cca level MMC Datasheet
48BMOM12SCSLCDI Din rail fiber box up to 24 fibers for industry MMC Datasheet
48MKS Fiber cable management MMC Datasheet
48BJOPVxxxIP68PH IP68 Closure/junction box up to 144 fibers MMC Datasheet
48BMOM6SCDLCQI Din rail fiber box up to 24 fibers for industry MMC Datasheet
48BMOP3P Fiber surface & wall mounted box 3 ports MMC Datasheet
48BMOPxxIP65PN IP65 12 SCS / 24 LCD fiber optic wall box MMC Datasheet
48FTTHxx Unequipped fiber optic OTB box MMC Datasheet
48MMPxxx 45x45 faceplate for fiber optic outlets MMC Datasheet
48SFDCxxx Mounting set for dome closure MMC Datasheet
48SMCLCS Fiber optic connector connection by bonding MMC Datasheet
48SMCSCAD Fiber optic connector connection by bonding MMC Datasheet
48SMCSCAS Fiber optic connector connection by bonding MMC Datasheet
48SMCSCD100 Fiber optic connector connection by bonding MMC Datasheet
48SMCSCS Fiber optic connector connection by bonding MMC Datasheet
48SMCSCSFLD Optical UPC SC simplex singlemode field connector for 3/2/0.9mm MMC Datasheet
48xMCyyyzz Fiber optic connector connection by bonding MMC Datasheet
DCFExxAyyyzzz Equipped front panel for DC drawer MMC Datasheet
DCFU1Uxxyyyyyy Front panel for DC fiber optic drawer MMC Datasheet
DCK7MTPxxyyyzzzS 24FO LC MTP tray for DC drawers MMC Datasheet
DCK7xxAxxxyyy Tray equipped with 6 LCQ adapters for DC drawers MMC Datasheet
DCPANELxx 1U 19" high density fiber optic drawer - DC range MMC Datasheet
MTPFAN12LCOM5015 MTP/12 or 24 x SC and MTP/12 or 24 x LC Optical fan-out cable MMC Datasheet
JLCLC3OM3LED Optical LED flat duplex patchcords MMC Datasheet
JLCLC10DOS2 Duplex LC/LC OS2 fiber optic jumper - 10m MMC Datasheet
JLCLC15DOM3 Duplex LC/LC OM3 fiber optic jumper - 15 m MMC Datasheet
JLCLC15DOM4 Duplex LC/LC OM4 fiber optic jumper - 15 m MMC Datasheet
JLCLC15DOS2 Duplex LC/LC OS2 fiber optic jumper - 15 m MMC Datasheet
JLCLC1DOM3 Duplex LC/LC OM3 fiber optic jumper - 1 m MMC Datasheet
JLCLC1DOS2 Duplex LC/LC OS2 fiber optic jumper - 1 m MMC Datasheet
JLCLC2DOM3 Duplex LC/LC OM3 fiber optic jumper - 2 m MMC Datasheet
JLCLC2DOS2 Duplex LC/LC OS2 fiber optic jumper - 2 m MMC Datasheet
JLCLCxxUPPTSyyy Extractable and reversible LC duplex/ LC simplex fiber optic jumper MMC Datasheet
JSCSCxxDyyy Duplex SC/SC fiber optic jumper MMC Datasheet
PIGLC2xxxyyyyyy OM3 UPC multi-mode fiber optic pigtail, LSZH sheath, semi-tight buffer MMC Datasheet
PIGSC2xxxyyyyyy OM3 UPC multi-mode fiber optic pigtail, LSZH sheath, semi-tight buffer MMC Datasheet
PIGxx2OM3 OM3 UPC multi-mode fiber optic pigtail, LSZH sheath, semi-tight buffer MMC Datasheet
PIGxx2OM4 OM3 UPC multi-mode fiber optic pigtail, LSZH sheath, semi-tight buffer MMC Datasheet
PIGxx2yyyTB OM3 UPC multi-mode fiber optic pigtail, LSZH sheath, tight-buffered MMC Datasheet
PIGxxAyOS2 G657A2 APC single-mode fiber optic pigtail, LSZH sheath, semi-tight buffer MMC Datasheet
PIGxxx2yyyBzFO G657A2 APC single-mode fiber optic pigtail, LSZH sheath, semi-tight buffer MMC hDatasheet
CH1U 19’’ Modular Chassis for removable front plates & LGX/MTP modules MMC Datasheet
FTTBOXxU Wall box or 19" drawer for LGX/MTP modules MMC Datasheet
FU1Uxxyyyyyy Removable front panel for CH1U fiber optic drawers MMC Datasheet
TC1UxxAyyyzzz 1U 19" sliding fiber optic drawer equipped with adapters MMC Datasheet
TC1Uxxyyy 1U 19" bare sliding fiber optic drawer MMC Datasheet
48MMTLCD LC Duplex optical UPC adapters for Multimode fibres MMC Datasheet
48MMTSCD SC Duplex optical UPC adapters for Multimode fibres MMC Datasheet
48MMTSCDFL SC Duplex optical UPC adapters for Multimode fibres MMC Datasheet
48MMTSCS SC Simplex adapters for Multimode fibres MMC Datasheet
48MMTSCSFL Fiber optic adapter MMC Datasheet
48SMTLCAD LC Duplex optical APC 8° adapters for Singlemode fibers MMC Datasheet
48SMTLCADFL LC Duplex optical APC 8° adapters for Singlemode fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTLCAQ LC Quad optical APC 8° adapters for Singlemode fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTLCAQFL LC Quad optical APC 8° adapters for Singlemode fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTLCD LC-UPC Duplex optical adapters for single-mode fiber MMC Datasheet
48SMTLCDFL LC-UPC Duplex optical adapters flangeless for Singlemode fiber MMC Datasheet
48SMTLCQ LC Quad optical UPC adapters for Singlemode fiber MMC Datasheet
48SMTLCQFL LC Quad optical UPC adapters flangeless for Singlemode fiber MMC Datasheet
48SMTSCAD SC Duplex optical APC adapters for Singlemode fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTSCADFL SC Duplex optical APC adapters for Singlemode fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTSCASFL SC Simplex APC adapters for SM fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTSCD SC Duplex optical UPC adapters for Singlemode fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTSCDFL SC Duplex optical UPC adapters for Singlemode fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTSCS SC Simplex optical adapters for Singlemode fibres MMC Datasheet
48SMTSCSFL SC Simplex flangeless adapters for SM fibres MMC Datasheet
UHDFExxAyyyyzzz Front panel for 3U 19" UHD Panel drawer MMC Datasheet
UHDFExxAMTPSyyy Front panel for 3U 19" UHD PANEL drawer - 6 MTPS OM4 MMC Datasheet
DCK7MTP06LCQOM3S Slim MTP® tray equipped with 6 LC quad OM3 adapters for DC fiber optic drawers MMC Datasheet
UHDFUOB UHD Blank Module MMC Datasheet
UHDK7MTPxxyyyzzz MTP 12FO and 24FO tray for 19" UHD drawers MMC Datasheet
UHDPANELxUyyyC 19" ultra high density fiber optic drawer MMC Datasheet
FOFIRExxyyy Fire resistant fiber optic cable MMC Datasheet
EXTALCT12ROS2 Reinforced central loose tube fiber – Steel Armoured – PEHD jacket MMC Datasheet
EXTALCT24ROS2 Reinforced central loose tube fiber – Steel Armoured – PEHD jacket MMC Datasheet
EXTALCT6ROM3 Reinforced central loose tube fiber – Steel Armoured – PEHD jacket MMC Datasheet
EXTALCT6ROS2 Reinforced central loose tube fiber – Steel Armoured – PEHD jacket MMC Datasheet
EXTALCTxxRyyy Reinforced central loose tube fiber – Steel Armoured – PEHD jacket MMC Datasheet
EXTALCTxxyyy Armored loose-tube fiber optic cable with a central tube, HDPE sheath, Outdoor MMC Datasheet
EXTALMTxxyyy Armored multi-tube fiber optic cable, loose tube, HDPE Outdoor MMC Datasheet
EXTCTxxyyy Fiber optic cable with a central tube, loose tube – HDPE sheath – Outdoor MMC Datasheet
EXTMTxxyyy Multi-tube fiber optic cable, loose tube – HDPE sheath – Outdoor MMC Datasheet
INTEX12OM3C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX12OM4C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX12OS2C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX249OS2C MMC Datasheet
INTEX24OM3C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX24OM4C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX24OS2C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX4OS2C 4 Core Central Loose tube fiber optic glass yarn reinforced cable, LSZH jacket, Cca level MMC Datasheet
INTEX6OM3C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX6OM4C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX6OS2C Optic cable with a central tube, loose tube design - LSZH Cca sheath - In/Out MMC Datasheet
INTEX8OM4C Central Loose tube fiber optic glass yarn reinforced cable, LSZH jacket , Cca level MMC Datasheet
INTEXMT144OS2 144 Core SM OS2 Multi Loose tube fiber optic, glass yarn reinforced cable, LSZH jacket , Dca level MMC Datasheet
INTEXMT72OS2C 72 Core SM OS2 Multi Loose tube fiber optic, glass yarn reinforced cable, LSZH jacket , Dca level MMC Datasheet
INTEXMT96OS2C 96 Core SM OS2 Multi Loose tube fiber optic, glass yarn reinforced cable, LSZH jacket , Dca level MMC Datasheet
INTEXxxyyy Loose-tube fiber optic cable with a central tube - LSZH Dca sheath – In/Out MMC Datasheet
BIFIBRESyyy Tight-buffered duplex optical fiber - LSZH sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTIxxIEyyy Tight-buffered fiber optic cable - LSZH Dca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI12IEOM3C OM3 12 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTIxxIEyyyC Tight-buffered fiber optic cable - LSZH Dca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI12IEOM4C OM4 12 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI12IEOS2C OS2 12 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI24IEOM3C OM3 24 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI24IEOM4C OM4 24 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI24IEOS2C OS2 24 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI6IEOM3C OM3 6 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI6IEOM4C OM4 6 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
MULTI6IEOS2C OS2 6 core fiber optic cable, tight buffer design - LSZH Cca sheath MMC Datasheet
48OBLCD Blank module adaptor for fiber optic drawers for unused ports MMC Datasheet
48OBSCD Blank module adaptor for fiber optic drawers for unused ports MMC Datasheet
EXTMT48OS2 BOS2 48 core multi-tube fiber optic cable, loose tube – HDPE sheath - Outdoor MMC Datasheet